differential equation maity ghosh pdf 29
in this paper, an attempt to find a more generalized version of the classical eoq model is made under the setup of fuzzy fractional calculus. intuitively, the notions of fuzziness and fractional derivative represent the sense of uncertainty and memory, respectively. thus, manipulating the classical eoq model in terms of the fuzzy fractional differential equation (ffde), the impacts of the uncertainty and system memory on the lot-sizing model are manifested here. the model describes the ffde under caputo gh derivative and riemannliouville integration. a trapezoidal fuzzy environment is considered to find a better environment for the cost minimization perspectives. from the numerical simulation, memory introduction is established to be fruitful in favor of the cost minimization objective. moreover, the discussed model contains the other versions (crisp integer order, fuzzy integer order, and crisp fractional order) of the classical eoq model as particular cases.
measurements of single top quark production in proton-proton collisions and of angular correlations in single top-quark events are presented based on the 8 tev and 13 tev atlas datasets. for the production of single top quarks in the t-channel and the tw-channel, measurements of inclusive and differential cross-sections are included. evidence for s-channel production using 8 tev data and the measurement of single top quark production in association with a z boson at 13 tev are also presented. all measurements are compared to state-of-the-art theoretical calculations. differential cross-sections are measured as a function of angular variables that are sensitive to anomalous contributions to the wtb vertex and the top quark polarization. a trapezoidal fuzzy environment is considered to find a better environment for the cost minimization perspectives. our fits are based on the eoq model with seven- and nine-dimensional parameterizations, including the minimal and the non-minimal bsm soft susy realisations. our fits include direct simulations of the lhc's current and next-generation sparticle search results, as well as the current and future flavour observability data. moreover, our fits utilise up-to-date lhc direct and indirect dark matter search constraints. we also determine the upper theoretical limit of tumor growth for mice.